Vincit Qué Se Vincit

You Conquer When You Conquer Yourself

Never overlook your daily proven methods and routines of proven mental health well being, December delights us with the nip or even a more biting cold snap, there is certainly an uplifting of mood when wrapped up in your winter woolies,your footwear suited for the slippery patches of water now hard as rock, helping you grip the ground tight as you walk along the hardened soil ground, the once muddy ground now frozen to the point of freezing time to your past footprints, the paw marks of your four legged companions next to your solidified sole of your boot, reminds you of there constant feud with the woodland inhabitant the squirrel from your past trundles, you smile as you remember the frantic scramble of the treetop dweller to escape there forever nemesis
To breath in the freshness of the air inturn refreshing your train of thought that now chugs along in soothing a clackity clack of peace
Our canine friends certainly are a major defense against the devilment of our negative thought, coupled with a stroll through the ever changing landscape of the countryside or parkland, such daily rituals are so uplifting the defenses for the day ahead are like the ground solid

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